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Join The African Heritage Centre

By becoming a member, you join a diverse and passionate people of African descent committed to making a difference and contributing to a more equitable and sustainable world.

By joining us, you are saying that you believe in the vision of a world where people of African descent shine brighter as beacons of hope and instruments of change. You agree to re-tell our message of truth, hope and change to the world.

You agree to be part of history and legacy as we come together to build a truly African Heritage Centre starting in Ontario, Canada

Your membership connects you to other people of African descent as well as access to events, resources, and networking opportunities.

Share our vision and values and join us in our journey to build a better future for all. Together, let’s build our centre, impact our communities and bring our people together, while enriching the world with kindness, justice, and equality.

The African Heritage Centre (AHC) is a non-profit organization based in Ontario, Canada and dedicated to African and Caribbean communities and to people of African descent worldwide, seeking to provide empowerment and a sense of belonging to our people. The Centre shall offer events and opportunities tailored to uplift individuals of Africa and African descent, promote cultural preservation and seek to address common challenges that our communities may face. Through global outreach and inclusivity, the organization shall strive to strengthen the bonds and well-being of our communities.

Membership of the AHC shall be open to any person of African descent from across the globe.
Any person who wishes to become a member of the AHC must submit an application in the form prescribed by the Board of Directors and shall be a person of good character, meet the membership criteria and pay membership fees as approved by the board of Directors. Completion of the application for membership indicates that the applicant has endorsed the mission and vision of the organization.

Categories of Members
There shall be two membership categories with the same voting rights for members in good standing.

Regular members: This category is open to all people of African descent who understand, affirm and support, in practice and in principle, the mandate, purpose, objectives, mission and vision of the African Heritage Centre. Each Regular Member is entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote if in good standing, at all meetings of members and such regular members shall be entitled to one (1) vote at such meetings.

Distinguished members: This category is open to African descent individuals who make significant contributions to the organization or the community. They are often recognized for their exceptional dedication. Each distinguished member is entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote, if in good standing at all meetings of members and such distinguished member shall be entitled to one (1) vote at such meetings.

Fees. The Board of Directors may from time to time fix annual dues or fees payable by the members, subject to approval in a general meeting by a special resolution. Such Membership Fees (“Fees”) so fixed shall not be the same annual sum for each membership category. The members shall be notified of the applicable fees at any time payable by them and, if such fees are not paid within 30 days of the date of such notice, the members in default shall thereupon automatically cease to be a member in good standing of the Corporation for the specific fiscal year, but any such member may on payment of the full unpaid fees for the specific fiscal year be reinstated automatically.

Until amended by a “special resolution” of the board of directors the following annual membership fee is prescribed for members of the African Heritage Centre, from January 1, 2024.

All fees are non-refundable
a) Regular Member: $150.00.
b) Distinguished Members: $1,000

Privileges of Membership.
a) All members shall have the right to vote, if in good standing at the general meeting of the AHC, the right to participate in election, if in good standing and the right to be listed in the register of members.
b) The Membership Committee by a simple resolution shall from time to time determine and propose additional privileges, rights and benefits of all members; such resolution shall however be approved by the board of directors.

Membership Form

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Please specify the how you intend to contribute voluntarily to the African Heritage Centre?
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